We have a small but very happy family. We love the beach, good food, travel, cuddling, movies, and we love each other. This is a blog about food, family, true love, and relationships! This is a blog about me and this blog is about the Webbs.

Friday, July 10, 2015

On Organic Steaks and Roasted Carrot Recipe

Made this super simple yet delish meal, grass fed organic steak and roasted carrots..this post is partly about both! Now we all know the benefits of buying organic meat but with organic grass fed steaks there's some extra differences, they taste, and smell different too! Yes honestly they do! The first time I bought some for Britt and I, I tossed them because I thought they were bad! Now it's not a bad or "rotten" smell I just knew they smelt distinctly different and I was concerned! I've been cooking and baking since before I can remember but I started on my own when I was about 10, so I know my way around a kitchen better than a great many so yes I know beef isn't some crazy hazardous meat but I'm also not into eating bad meat so in the trash it went! Lol anyway so the next time I purchased I thought OK I bought this yesterday and there is just no way I purchased bad steaks! So I took to the Google! Sure enough its super documented yes, organic steaks taste and smell different! So if this is your first time, don't throw away a perfectly good steak!

 So I don't do anything fancy with mine, and when we aren't "grilling" I cook it on the stove top. 
I start with a pretty little steak like this , I can say organic steaks are more filling so keep that in mind when purchasing! I'm super obsessed with the McCormicks Montreal steak seasoning so that's all I used with a bit of olive oil on a flat pan, I set my heat to about a 6-7 to get a nice char like you would from a grill and I use a meat thermometer so that I can take it off at exactly medium rare while I'm wrangling kids and everything else I usually have going at dinnertime! 

So the carrots are equally hands off, fast, and easy! Wash them down and put them on a cookie sheet, set your oven to 450 degrees. Drizzle some olive oil or grape seed oil on top, sea salt, cracked black pepper, garlic powder, and a bit of dried rosemary. Take them out when they look "roasted" and are soft when fork tested, I wish I could say how long exactly I cook mine, maybe ten minutes? Super great meal, if you need another side add rice :)


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